Holiday Gingerbread Bath Recipe!
Fill up the tub with warm gingerbread cake and cookies, sink in and relax. Delicious! Or, try this recipe...
Fill up the tub with warm gingerbread cake and cookies, sink in and relax. Delicious! Or, try this recipe...
We've all been there. Squeezing the last drops out of our lotion containers and feeling frustrated with the squorking sound of an empty tube. So sad :(
Want to get great skin, but don’t have the time or money to get to a spa? Here are awesome spa recipes you can do at home.
Scented bath salts are so easy to make! And FUN! and QUICK! You will feel like a champion Do-It-Yourself-er after making a batch.
Orange Candle - great for ambiance in the bathroom! I did this! It works!!!!! The hardest time I had was lighting the wick. All I had was wooden matches and I used about, oh, 37 of them.....I think if you have one of those clicker lighter thingies you'll have an easier go [...]
Ju-Ju Bug, a very famous - but humble - craft artist in the Pacific Northwest, spent last weekend in her magic crystal cave creating fabulous gifts for her fabulous friends and assorted woodland creatures.