Epsom Salts

Bath 101 – Part 2

In Bath 101 Part 1 we left off at lighting a candle and getting a beverage. Choose a nice smelling candle and music, plus these other essentials...

Bath 101 – Part 2

Bath 101 – Part 1

Ahhhhhh, the joy of a bath! In this post I break down how I (personally, me, myself & I, Diva Duck) take a bath and what I like to have for it.

Bath 101 – Part 1

A True Tub Tale

Once upon a time I had a break-up and retreated to the bathtub. It seemed like the tub was the only place that felt good anymore. At first it was a sad little scene filled with crying and wailing (tip: wail underwater and it won't scare the neighbors), but after a couple of weeks things started to change. I noticed the more time I spent in the tub the better I felt.....hummmmmm what was going on here?????

A True Tub Tale

Stress Relief Bath Recipe

Stress strains our adrenal glands, causes restlessness & muscle fatigue, along with draining feelings, like sadness & depression. For a bath that will help when feeling over-stressed, add these ingredients to your tub water...

Stress Relief Bath Recipe
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