“Simply Blessed” is my friend Bethie’s blog and her articles are wonderfulous and amazzling – I HIGHLY recommend going there and having a ramble around. Anyhoo, a while ago she added a list of great affirmations by Louise Hay, and I am now re-posting/passing them onto you, you lucky ducky!
Affirmations are wonderful to do in the tub because you’re relaxed, open and receptive (if you are not relaxed, open or receptive while in the tub, you really need to read some more of the articles on this site), and you’ll be more available for the affirmations to sink in and start changing some old patterns.
Have a look through the list and pick a few that resonate with you in the moment and try them out during your next bath time. Just quietly and lovingly repeat them to yourself, breathe deeply, get in touch, feel the words in your heart. OK? GO!
- The door to my heart opens inward. I move through forgiveness to love.
- Today I listen to my feelings, and I am gentle with myself. I know that
all of my feelings are my friends. - The past is over, so it has no power now. The thoughts of THIS moment create
my future. - It is no fun being a victim. I refuse to be helpless anymore. I claim my own power
- I give myself the gift of freedom from the past, and move with joy into the now.
- I get the help I need, when I need it, from various sources. My support system
is strong and loving. - There is no problem so big or so small that it cannot be solved with love.
- I am ready to be healed. I am willing to forgive. All is Well.
- When I make a mistake, I realize that it is only part of the learning process.
- I move beyond forgiveness to understanding, and I have compassion for all.
- Each day Is a new Opportunity. Yesterday is over and done.
- Today is the first day of my future.
- I know that old, negative patterns no longer limit me. I let them go with ease.
- I am forgiving, loving, gentle, and kind, and I know that Life Loves Me.
- As I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others.
- I love and accept my family members exactly as they are right now.
- As I change my thoughts, the world around me changes.
- I forgive myself for not being perfect. I am living the very best way I know how.
- I cannot change another person. I let others be who they are, and I simply love who I am.
- It is now safe for me to release all of my childhood traumas and move into love.
- I know that I cannot take responsibility for other people. We are all under the law of our own consciousness.
- I return to the basics of life: forgiveness, courage, gratitude, love, and humor.
- Everyone in my life has something to teach me. We have a purpose in being together.
- I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.
- All of the changes in life that lie before me are positive ones. I am safe.
Copyright 2004 by Louise L. Hay. “I Can DO IT” Book, published by Hay House Inc.
I Can Do It Cards (Beautiful Card Deck)
Thank you h.koppdelaney for the beautiful image!
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