More about the wonderful healing power of LAVENDER. Be sure and add some to your next bath!
I found this wonderful article that Netherfield New Zealand Lavender Oil posted about the healing benefits of lavender and wanted to share it with you.
Benefits of Lavender Oil
Article reposted from Netherfield New Zealand
LAVENDER IS ONE OF THE MOST NOSTALGIC FRAGRANCES, bringing scenes of childhood vividly to the mind: high summer days that last for ever, lavender bushes shimmering against the blue sky, the bees blundering in and out among the flowers, stirring up the intense, sweet sensation.
But lavender is much more than just pretty & calming. It is one of the most powerful remedies in the plant world, offering both physical and emotional relief for problems as varied as burns, migraines, insomnia, insect bites, skin problems, infections, stress and nervous tension. It owes this amazing spectrum of healing powers to its complex chemical makeup.
Lavender is a remedy for aching muscles, acne, bugs & bacteria, burns, cuts & wounds, earache, eczema, fatigue, fevers, giddy spells, headache, insomnia, long haul travel, menstrual cramps, moths & mosquitoes, sandflies, scabies, shingles, sinusitis, stress & anxiety and sunburn.
Lavender is particularly rich in aromatic molecules called esters, which are antispasmodic, pacifying and tonic, while other molecules give it its antiviral, bacterial and anti-inflammatory powers. Of the many therapeutic attributes of Lavender oil, respiratory relief would be one of the most consistently reported benefits.
Lavender Oil in its purest form is known to be of great assistance to the recovery and protection of the respiratory system.
The Bathtub Diva says WOWIEE! Lavender is amazing! Try some in your next bath!
Lavender Oil Properties:
- Antidepressant
- Analgesic
- Antiseptic
- Cicatrizant
- Expectorant
- Nervine
- Vulnerary
Especially beneficial to the respiratory tract in particular coughs, colds, influenza. Certainly eases breathing when lungs and sinuses are choked with phlegm.
Defends system against airborne viruses.
A refreshing note to a tired mind – lavender has been named as one of the most useful of the essences for the relief of anxiety and stress.
Good for aches and pains and muscle stiffness and may also help with rheumatic discomfort and joint stiffness.
The cicatrizant properties of lavender oil are beneficial to healing of wounds including all types of burns and even treatment of eczema, dermatitis, scabies and psoriasis.
Applications of Lavender Oil
Lavender Bath
Excellent for aching muscles, relaxation, stress relief. Add 6-8 drops Lavender essential oil after running the water and vigorously agitate water. Add the drops to a capful of milk or Epsom salts and then put in the bath as this helps to disperse the oils through out the water. This is a great way to receive the benefits of Lavender oil. Lie back and enjoy!
Lavender Shower
After wetting your hair, add 3 drops Lavender oil to a capful of water and tip onto your head. Stand under running water and allow oils to rinse off. Cup your hands over your face and breathe in the vapours. Add oils when shampooing your hair and rinse off as normal.
Please check out the source for this article to find out more about lavender!
Netherfield New Zealand Lavender Oil
The Bathtub Diva also offers many fine products containing Lavender on her SHOP page. Click these links:
Bubbles, Bombs and Bath Salts,
Aromatherapy, Soaps and Lotions.
Avoid lavender in pregnancy, epilepsy and fever. Heed this warning if you have any of these conditions!
Thank you Netherfield for your lavender article.
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