
“The law of flotation was not discovered by contemplating the sinking of things.”
~Thomas Troward

We’re all about flotation at The Bath Tub Diva! Which means not getting in the tub and having “sinking thinking”– you know, those thoughts about how lousy things might seem to be. Because once you start with “sinking thinking”, you’re going to keep going




and you’re going to miss what a great time you are having in the tub. That would be silly.

But if you focus on contemplating feelings of floating, buoyancy, and lightness and the goodness in your life, chances are you’ll feel really grand when it’s time to get out of the tub and will carry that feeling with you.

Transforming your life one bath at a time – yep, you can do it.

Photo credit Itamar Grinberg for the Israeli Ministry of Tourism.